What Lawyers WON’T tell you about Car Accident Claims (but I will…) (2024)


Learn how car accident claims and settlements REALLY work.

See how much your personal injury is worth: youtu.be/lgg-AEOUTcA

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✅ See when you may NOT need to hire a lawyer for a car accident or personal injury claim: youtu.be/dAUH0twzi8k

✅ How long does it take to settle an injury case? youtu.be/L30rKf6k2RU

✅ Rear End Car Accident Settlements and Claims (in 2021): youtu.be/4QRKHFGhXtk

✅ Recommended playlists:

The Secret Strategies to Maximize Settlement Amount

💡 Videos for frequently asked questions:

💲 Lawyer fees in injury cases (Ultimate Guide): youtu.be/WSHicWevG8Q

💲 How Much is Pain and Suffering Worth: youtu.be/x_3vlYlddyU


Attorney Justin "JZ" Ziegler represents people hurt in incidents in Florida (or on a cruise). Within 2 years after law school, he started his own personal injury law firm and settled hundreds of cases within just a few years. Justin has recovered millions of dollars in settlements for accident victims.

He still runs JZ helps, a Florida injury law firm that is loved by its clients.

The JZ helps Youtube Channel is Justin's way of providing as much value as possible by talking about personal injury claims and settlements in Florida, and giving you information based on a 17 year career recovering money for accident victims hurt in Florida or on a cruise.

JZ has been interviewed by NBC6, CNN and the Wall Street Journal, and quoted by Newspapers/Online News, including The Miami New Times and TBO.com. He has also been interviewed and appeared on TV.

JZ has represented people whose accidents received news coverage, including the Miami Herald and much more.

Find JZ helps here:

Website: www.justinziegler.net/

Attorney Justin "JZ" Ziegler
Office: Coral Gables, Miami-Dade County, Florida (Serving All of Florida)

Justin also runs the Youtube PI lawyer's private Discord group, where fellow personal injury lawyers continue to thrive with their Youtube channels. Membership is limited to personal injury lawyers who are actively consistently making quality Youtube videos. Membership is limited to those creators that I approve. If you think you meet the above qualifications, leave a comment on one of my YT vids. In the comment, please say your # of subscribers, the state(s) your licensed in, and whether you're eligible for Youtube monetization.

The content of this YouTube channel is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice. You should not rely upon any information contained on this YouTube channel for legal advice. Viewing this YouTube channel is not intended to and shall not create an attorney-client relationship between you and Justin Ziegler or JZ helps (a Florida injury law firm). Messages or other forms of communication that you transmit to this YouTube channel will not create an attorney-client relationship and thus information contained in such communications may not be protected as privileged. Neither Justin Ziegler nor JZ helps (a Florida injury law firm) makes any representation, warranty, or guarantee about the accuracy of the information contained in this YouTube channel or in links to other YouTube channels or websites. This YouTube channel is provided "as is," does not represent that any outcome or result from viewing of this channel. Your use viewing of this YouTube channel is at your own risk. You enjoy this YouTube channel and its contents only for personal, non-commercial purposes. Neither Justin Ziegler, JZ helps (a Florida injury law firm), nor anyone acting on their behalf, will be liable under any circ*mstances for damages of any kind.

© 2022 Justin Ziegler. All rights reserved.


I'm going to tell you how car accidents, settlements and claims work we're going to cover everything from immediately after the accident.

Through you, hopefully getting your settlement money.

Most car accident settlements are paid by the other driver's insurance company in order for them to pay you a claim needs to be set up.

Every claim gets its own unique claim number.

There are generally two ways that a claim is set up with the at fault: drivers, insurance company number, one, the other driver reported the claim to their insurance company and number two.

You or your lawyer report the claim to the other driver's insurance company in car accidents with huge damage to the cars.

There is a higher chance that the other driver reported the claim to their insurance company.

This is because they likely want their car fixed or they are nervous about.

You suing them to set up a claim.

The car insurance company needs a few things number one.

The date of the accident number two, their insured's policy number and three, a short description of how the accident happened.

Their car insurance company will ask you if your car was damaged.

They'll also ask you if you were injured in the accident.

This is so they can assign the case to the proper level insurance adjuster, more experienced adjusters handle bigger injury claims like those involving a broken bone or surgery.

Settlements for those injuries tend to be bigger.

Once the claim is set up, the insurance company will start investigation now, just because an insurance company assigns a claim.

Number does not mean that you will get paid.

This is one of the biggest mistakes that people who are in accidents make they assume that the other driver's insurance company will pay them, since they have a claim number.

This is 100 wrong.

In order for you to get paid, several things need to happen.

First, the at fault.

Drivers, insurance company needs to confirm that there is insurance coverage for your accident, just because the other driver gave the police officer or you their insurance card at the time of the accident, does not mean that there is coverage.

You have nothing to worry about in order for there to be insurance coverage, the policy needs to be active at the time of the accident.

In other words, the other driver must have paid their insurance bill.

Also, there can't be an exclusion in their policy that would cause a denial of coverage.

Exclusion is just the fancy word for coverage that is not included.

The most common coverage denial is either the other car or driver is not listed on the insurance policy.

If you are injured the at fault, drivers insurance will usually assign two different adjusters to the claim.

One is the property damage liability adjuster this adjuster handles payment for damage to your car or your property like a broken cell phone or watch the other adjuster that they'll assign is the bodily injury liability adjuster.

They often call themselves the bi adjuster, the bodily injury liability, adjuster handles payment to you for your medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering.

If the insurance company clears coverage, this means that there is coverage for your claim.

However, the adjuster still needs to determine two things: number one fault, which is also called liability.

Number two, your damages or your injuries to determine fault.

The insurance adjuster will look at the traffic crash report.

They will also try to speak with several people about how the accident happened.

They'll want to speak with the driver of their insured's car you and any witnesses.

They want to take your recorded statement.

However, since you don't have a contract with them, you usually are not required to give them a recorded statement.

One tactic that insurance adjusters use is that they tell you that they cannot pay for your car damage unless they get your recorded statement.

This is not true.

I've settled several cases for over three hundred thousand dollars where the at fault drivers, adjuster, never took my client's statement.

Next, the insurance adjuster will assign a certain percentage of fault to the drivers or people involved in the accident they may assign anywhere from zero to a hundred percent fault to the drivers.

Next they'll want to get all your medical bills and records they'll.

Ask you to sign a medical authorization so that they can gather your records.

You generally are not required to sign this medical authorization.

The insurance company will set a reserve to pay your personal injury claim by law.

They are required to set aside a certain amount of money to pay your personal injury claim.

This amount could be anywhere from zero dollars to a huge number.

As the insurance adjuster gets more information, they can either increase or decrease the settlement reserve.

Your goal is to get them to increase the settlement reserve as fast as possible.

To do this either you or your lawyer will gather and send them any medical records and bills that show how badly you were hurt.

Here's a tip it takes time for insurance companies to increase their settlement reserve and not getting the insurance company.

Your medical records and bills fast usually delays your settlement.

The insurance adjuster will have a settlement range.

They can settle your case within.

Unfortunately, they won't tell you what this range is.

If they do, they are likely not telling you the truth.

You or your lawyer will need to calculate your own value of your personal injury case.

You do this by adding your out-of-pocket medical bills, your lost wages and your pain and suffering amount.

To do this, you need to know how much your pain and suffering is worth to learn how much your pain and suffering is worth.

Watch this video here or click on the link in the description below and if you're seriously injured in a car accident in florida, and you think someone else may be at fault.

Click on the link in the description below to see.

If I can represent you.

What Lawyers WON’T tell you about Car Accident Claims (but I will…) (2024)


What do you say in a whiplash claim? ›

Stick to the facts – Give the insurer only the facts, do not speculate or give opinions. Provide the date, time, and place of the accident. You may also tell the insurance company you are receiving medical treatment. Do not give information regarding the severity of your injuries or how much pain you are suffering.

When an insurance company won't settle? ›

If your insurance company fails to adhere to time requirements and is using tactics to avoid settling, you may have valid legal grounds to file a bad faith insurance lawsuit. You may receive the original settlement amount with added interest and penalties.

What should I do if someone sues me after a car accident in Florida? ›

Helpful Tips to Keep in Mind if You Are Being Sued After a...
  1. Do Not Admit Fault. ...
  2. Hire an Auto Accident Attorney in Florida. ...
  3. Continue to Cooperate with Law Enforcement. ...
  4. Do Not Talk to the Insurance Company. ...
  5. Don't Assume the Case Will Go to Trial. ...
  6. Know that Florida is a No-Fault State. ...
  7. FAQ.

What is the average payout for Grade 2 whiplash? ›

Calculating The Minimum Whiplash Compensation Payout
Type of InjurySeverityAmount of Compensation
NeckModerate (ii)£13,740 to £24,990
NeckModerate (iii)£7,890 to £13,740
NeckMinor (i)£4,350 to £7,890
ShoulderSevere£19,200 to £48,030
6 more rows
Jun 1, 2023

How much money do you get from whiplash claim? ›

The amount of compensation you may be able to claim for whiplash injuries changed in May 2021. The amount of compensation you can claim for whiplash range from £240 up to £4,215, depending on the length of time you suffer from your injuries.

Do insurance companies always offer a settlement? ›

Were you injured due to someone else's negligence? You're probably wondering whether their insurance company will offer you a monetary settlement to compensate you for your injuries and damages. We have good news for you: Insurance companies almost always opt to cut settlement checks rather than going to court.

How long before an insurance company offers a settlement? ›

Depending on the situation, it could take weeks to months for you to get a reply. Then, the settlement negotiation typically begins. (If you haven't heard anything in 45 to 60 days, reach out to the insurer to follow up.)

How long does it take for insurance companies to negotiate a settlement? ›

Settlement negotiations can go on for several weeks or months. How long a personal injury settlement takes depends on several factors, including the strength of the evidence, and the available insurance policies. In general, it can take a few weeks or months of back-and-forth between parties to reach a settlement.

How much can someone sue for a car accident in Florida? ›

How much can someone sue for a car accident? In Florida, there is no limit on the amount of compensation that someone can sue for as because of a car accident. However, the amount must be documented and supported by evidence of damages.

How much is a car accident settlement in Florida? ›

According to the car accident settlement examples listed on this page, the average Florida car accident settlement is anywhere from $300,000 to $6,100,000. Settlements depend greatly on the unique circ*mstances of each case which is why there is no accurate average settlement amount for car accidents in Florida.

Is Florida a no-fault state? ›

Florida is one of the few states in the United States that operates under a no-fault auto insurance system. This means that drivers are required to carry personal injury protection (PIP) insurance, which covers medical expenses and lost wages regardless of who is at fault for an accident.

What is an example sentence for whiplash? ›

Her face swelled and she suffered whiplash. He suffered whiplash and has been absent for three weeks.

Can a whiplash claim be refused? ›

Can a whiplash claim be refused? Yes, just like any claim, a whiplash claim can be refused. Often this is due to insufficient evidence, including medical evidence that you are suffering from a whiplash injury or, in the case of road traffic accidents, that you were not at fault.

Is it worth claiming for whiplash? ›

Whiplash injury claims are only recommended if the accident that caused the injury wasn't your fault. In this instance, you'll be raising a claim with the other party's insurance provider, rather than your own.

How do you describe whiplash injury? ›

Overview. Whiplash is a neck injury due to forceful, rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck, like the cracking of a whip. Whiplash is commonly caused by rear-end car accidents. But whiplash can also result from sports accidents, physical abuse and other types of traumas, such as a fall.


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.